37 Corstorphine Road Development

Long-running application gets go-ahead for 20-unit development.

6/13/20241 min read

37 Corstorphine Road Site, November 2019  (c) J Yellowlees
37 Corstorphine Road Site, November 2019  (c) J Yellowlees


Following referral to the Scottish Ministers, planning permission has finally been granted for the 20-unit development on the narrow triangle of land between the road and the river. The existing house will be demolished. The Ministers conceded that the development has a risk of flooding in the "1 in 200 + 56%" event (the +56% is the additional risk ascribed to climate change), but concluded that there is provision for safe access or egress in such an event. The development agreement that has been reached will deliver financial contributions towards education and affordable housing.


[20/01/2020] The planning process for the development has run for many years. Murrayfield Community Council and others had objected to the planned development, which was for demolition of existing house, erection of a new building to form residential apartments (20 apartments) with associated car parking and landscaping. The developer appealed and it was referred to the Scottish Government Reporter. The Reporter accepted the quality, scale and density of the design, its impact on adjacent conservation areas and buildings, parking provision, lack of affordable housing, and effect on natural heritage. But flood risk and the overlooking of one property resulted in the developer's appeal being dismissed against the 2016 Edinburgh Local Development Plan.

[02/05/2020] The development was covered in the Evening New in May 2020 following the Scottish Government Reporter's dismissal of the developer's appeal.