Coffin lanes and rights of way
Henderland Road coffin lane status raised in discussion about adjacent planning application
2/2/20251 min read

A planning application for new-build ancillary accommodation in a rear garden on Murrayfield Avenue (24/05827/FUL) was the subject of controversy at the meeting of 14 January 2025.
Discussion also turned to the lane behind, which was thought to be part of a network of rights of way and a 'coffin lane'. The path, which runs from Henderland Road to the rear of the Church of the Good Shepherd, has long been used as a right of way and coffin route to the church and through to Murrayfield Avenue, and was thought to be part of a path through from Upper Coltbridge Terrace, and the manse, through Landsdowne House (itself now the subject of forthcoming development), and on to the church. Party walls to the lane have in places been moved back to allow vehicle turn-ins to garages.
Residents remember coffins being taken to and from the church along the lane and some would like to re-establish the rights of way, of which several have been lost or degraded in the local area.
[Image credit: (c) E Robertson]